
All the expertise
of Chemistry,
in the center of Europe

Overview of OSIRIS G.I.E.


The OSIRIS GIE is a Groupement d’Intérêt Economique (Economic Interest Group) and manages shared services and infrastructures of Les Roches-Roussillon Chemical Platform.


Its purpose is to offer utilities and reliable, cost-effective industrial services to those companies, on partnership terms.

It ensures the coordination and organization of all the Platform's companies with respect to safety, security, environment, logistics, utilities, and energy efficiency.





CSR policy


As part of its CSR policy, OSIRIS GIE has been committed for more than 10 years to a policy aimed at guaranteeing the equality of men and women in recruitment, skills development and the evolution of its employees.

For 2023, we have obtained a rating of 79% on the gender equality index. This rating shows a slight imbalance in favor of women in terms of salary and percentage of individual increase obtained.

Missions of the OSIRIS GIE:

The OSIRIS GIE helps improve the competitive edge of its clients and members by:

  • Providing power, utilities, and reliable, competitive industrial services
  • Serving to unify aspects of the Platform (e.g. emergency plan, managing major risks, etc.)
  • Offering solutions to its clients
  • Promoting the collective values of Sustainable Development
  • Recruiting newcomers to the Platform


Our shareholders








our institutional partners



The Les Roches–Roussillon Platform is dynamic, and the companies that belong to it are solid groups that massively invest for the future.

They are all committed to major strategic plans for their growth :




France Chimie is the professional organisation serving its member companies. It informs them, advises them and provides them with the tools they need to manage the economic and technical regulations that concern them. It brings together all chemical companies and provides them with structures for exchanges and meetings.


The agency Auvergne Rhône-Alpes Companies is dedicated to economic growth in the French département of Isère.

The agency Auvergne Rhône-Alpes Companies leads all approaches aimed at promoting the département and making it more attractive, in order to encourage businesses to set up shop in Isère.



ADEME participates in the implementation of public policies in the fields of energy management, waste management and, more generally, climate change and energy and ecological transition.


Industrial Firms of the Les Roches-Roussillon Platform




Subsidiary of the international group BlueStar - World expert in animal nutrition.

air-liquide-jpg World leader in industrial gases
Produces hydrogen and acetylene.




German chemical group and the largest chemical group in the world.


Subsidiary of the Dehon Group.
Refrigerant gas recycling.




Subsidiary of Veolia Environnement and EDF Energy services.

ECOAT.png Production of binders for water based paint.




One of the world's leading silicone manufacturers. logo-engie-solutions Subsidiary of GDF SUEZ Energy Services




Produces AEROSIL pyrogenated silica. logo-gesip

Safety Research Group for the Petroleum and Chemical Industries Fire training center.




World leader in the development, production and marketing of advanced composites.  logo-pili-1 World leader in the manufacture of bio-based pigments for paints and inks.




Produces phosphates. seqens.jpg

Subsidiary of SEQENS Group - Salicylic acid - Aspirin - Paracetamol - Methyl salicylate

Subsidiary of the SEQENS Group – Phenol, Cumene, Oxygenated solvents and Derivatives.

World leader in pharmaceutical solutions and specialty ingredients.





Robin Roussillon is the first SUEZ facility to accept several types of wood (biomass and biomass waste).


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Manufacture of hemodialyzers for the treatment of chronic and acute renal failure.



Essential and

structuring services



Because access to reliable and economical utilities and services are key factors for integration and development, the OSIRIS GIE offers you the best.




The main companies on our site

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